More than 500 scholarships are available to Northwestern students thanks to the generosity of the college’s alumni and friends. The scholarships are awarded to students pursuing particular majors or co-curricular opportunities or meeting other criteria specified by the donors. All enrolled students are automatically considered for the majority of these scholarships. If you’re the best “match” with a particular scholarship’s criteria and you end up receiving it, you will be notified and a footnote will be on your financial aid account.  Most of these scholarships do not add additional aid to your account, but sponsor (i.e. help pay for) existing NWC aid you already receive.

A few scholarships for full-time current students in select majors do, however, require a separate scholarship application or action on your part. In each case, the winner of these awards will receive additional funds added to their account.  Browse the list to see if you qualify and then follow the instructions. Unless otherwise specified, the scholarships are for any returning full-time Northwestern College student.


Vogel Family Scholarship

  • Up to $2500 in annual scholarships are available to a Vogel Paint or Iowa State Bank employee or dependent
  • Financial need is considered but not a requirement for this scholarship
  • Applicants must demonstrate the ability to achieve their academic goals and exhibit evidence of a sincere Christian faith and character
  • Selection will be made by the financial aid office (students receiving the scholarship must re-apply each year with other applicants)

Send a brief letter or email addressing the above qualifications between Oct. 1 and Jan. 6 to or mail a letter to Northwestern College Financial Aid, 101 7th Street SW, Orange City, IA, 51041.


A. R. Brouwer Scholarship
  • Demonstrate sincere Christian faith and character
  • An essay of 300 to 500 words on one of the following topics: truth, beauty, justice, peace or love. Define what the selected topic means to you at this point in life and how this belief will support you throughout life.
  • The scholarship winners are chosen by the Campus Ministry office as well as the donors.  The first place winner receives ~$4000 and the 2nd place winner receives ~$2000.  

  • Submit essay by email to or bring to the front desk in Ramaker Center by January 13.


Maintenance Department Scholarship
  • Current sophomore or junior
  • Must have worked in the maintenance department a minimum of two semesters, or two summers, or a semester and a summer
  • Financial need
  • Sincere Christian character and leadership
  • Ability to achieve academic goals

  • Download application


Bogaard Memorial Scholarship
  • Enrollment in private string lessons
  • Participation in Orchestra
  • Annual auditions
  • Competitive audition

      Sign up in the music office. Auditions must be completed by April 10.

Leona De Jong Haverkamp Vocal Music Scholarship
  • Current sophomore or junior may apply
  • Major in vocal music or interest in attaining a high level of voice performance
  • Exemplary school record
  • Demonstrated strong Christian and moral character
  • Financial need
    Write a one-page essay assessing how your commitment to Jesus Christ has been strengthened while at Northwestern College and how you have been developing your gift of music. Submit essay to the music office by Nov 15.
Marion Hinds Hospers Voice Scholarship
  • Outstanding voice qualifications
  • Competitive audition
    Sign up in the music office.  Auditions must be completed by April 10.
Dr. Rodney Jiskoot Organ Scholarship
  • Outstanding organ student
  • Competitive audition
    Sign up in the music office. Auditions must be completed by April 10.
Harold G. McGilvra Keyboard Scholarship
  • Music major or minor
  • Demonstrated proficiency on a keyboard instrument
  • Competitive audition
    Sign up in the music office. Auditions must be completed by April 10.
Herman & Elizabeth Ritsema Family Music Scholarship
  • Wind instrumentalist or percussionist
  • Conviction that developing the gift of music will bring inspiration and appreciation for good music to others
  • Competitive audition
Sign up in the music office.  Auditions must be completed by April 10.
Cyndy Rowenhorst Memorial Scholarship
  • Music major or minor, with an emphasis in voice. 
  • Christian commitment
  • Financial need considered
  • Competitive audition
    Sign up in the music office. Auditions must be completed by April 10.
Schultz Music Scholarship
  • Strong musical talent
  • Scholastic ability
  • Good character
  • Financial need
    Write a one-page essay assessing your personal and professional strengths as well as your music achievements at Northwestern College. Submit essay to the music office by Nov 15.


Application deadlines:

January 6: Penuel, Schuiteman, Van Roekel, Christian Nursing, Kendall & Whitehouse Dykstra

February 26: Van't Hul, OC Health, Mavis Aberson, Simmelink & Vogel

Penuel Senior Nursing Scholarship
  • Senior nursing student (current junior)
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Essay in which applicant addresses the significance of a Bible passage as it relates to his or her calling as a nurse                             
Download application
Arlene Schuiteman Christian Nursing Scholarship
  • Junior or senior nursing student in good academic standing
  • Strong financial need
  • Preference given to students who plan to practice nursing on the mission field
  • Essay must accompany application                               
                                             Download application  
Van Roekel Nursing Scholarship
  • Current sophomore or junior, accepted into the BSN program
  • Essay required - see application

Christian Nursing Scholarship

  • Preference for incoming freshmen intending to major in nursing who demonstrates a Christian commitment and shows evidence of financial need
  • 3.0 GPA or higher
  • First preference to an incoming student from Illinois

Kendall Nursing Scholarship
  • Current sophomore, junior or senior, with preference going to sophomores
  • Must be full time and accepted into the undergraduate nursing program
  • Financial need is required
Download application

Whitehouse Dykstra Nursing Scholarship
  • Any grade level
  • Financial need is required
  • Must be full time and accepted into the undergraduate nursing program
Download application

Van't Hul Nursing Scholarship
  • Current sophomore, junior or senior planning to return next year can apply.
  • Nursing major who participates in Raider athletics
Download application

Orange City Area Health Foundation Nursing Scholarship
  • Must be full time and accepted into the undergraduate nursing program
  • 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Preference to nursing student who is currently employed at OCAHS or intends to work in a rural health care setting
Download application

Mavis Aberson Nursing Scholarship
  • Must be full time and accepted into the undergraduate nursing program
  • Only available to those without other nursing scholarships and may not also have a Pell grant
Download application

Winifred Simmelink Nursing Scholarship
  • Full time nursing student
  • Current freshmen, sophomore or junior can apply
  • Requires financial need
Download application

Drew and Jean Vogel Nursing Scholarship
  • Full time nursing student
  • Preference given to those considering the mission field
  • Current sophomore or junior can apply
Please submit the applications to the nursing department.  Thank you.


Dykstra-Muste-Nelson Peace Scholarship
  • Christian students
  • Committed to non-violence in all human affairs
  • Academic achievement
  • Financial need
  • Application is due Feb. 1
  •             Download application

HEALTH CARE FIELD - Outside Scholarship

  • The Sioux Center Health Foundation is offering scholarships as financial assistance to college students who are focusing their studies in the health care field.  Current freshman/sophomore scholarships are worth $750, while junior/senior scholarships are $1500.
  • To apply, print the application form below.  
  • Important Note:  This does not get processed through NWC.  Please send the application materials to Sioux Center Health.
  • Deadline:  March 6, 2025 by 4 pm
  • Contact info:  Kyle Hiemstra, 712-722-8415 or
 Application Link   

FCSAmerica SCHOLARSHIP - Outside Scholarship source

  • FCSAmerica is offering four (4) scholarships worth $2500 to Northwestern students.
  • Eligible students:
 -Major:Accounting,Finance, Economics, Ag-business or other ag-related major, or Computer Science
-3.0 GPA
-Preference given to students from IA, MN, NE, KS, SD, WY and ND
-Any grade level

  • To apply, send a one page essay about how you plan to use your major in your caeeer to
  • Deadline:  March 14, 2025
  • Contact info:  Eric Anderson, 712-707-7132 or