
Off-Campus Resources

Many organizations have excellent resources which can be useful as one struggles to cope with emotional distress.  Please browse through the following links.  If you don't find what you are looking for, let us know and we will be happy to research some reliable and useful options for your topic.

Title Description File type

Alcohol, Substances, Video Games & Pornography


 Information about and tips on coping with anxiety.


Organizations with a wealth of accurate knowledge about mental health.


Useful knowledge about and supportive information for coping with the effects of A.D.D.


An anonymous depression/stress assessment and information about Depression.


Useful knowledge about and supportive information for overcoming E.D.


On-line support groups and helpful information with processing grief and loss.


Guided meditations to use and useful relaxation apps.


Resources and information for those struggling with self-injury and suicidal thoughts and people supporting them.


General resources and information about mental health and the effects of stress.


Resources to help during the pandemic.



Resources for those who are struggling with sleep difficulties.

